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The Shillim Collective

Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India

A collaboration between
ONE LANDSCAPE and The Shillim Institute in Maharashtra, India

The collective focuses on conservation of a 122-square-kilometer area within the Pawana Lake region, within which Shillim sits. This project is a pilot effort intended to act as a catalyst for a cohesive conservation initiative for the Western Ghats. The Shillim Collective convenes international workshops and residencies, hosted by the Shillim Institute.  These events bring together  artists, architects, designers, scholars, scientists, and policy makers to address systemic issues of conservation, ecology, and culture.  The Collective investigates ecological and cultural challenges in the region, understanding our regional work as part of network of international collaborations with a global reach. Participating Indian partner organizations include OIKOS Ecological Services, The Wildlife Conservation Trust and Waatavaran, an environmental organization focused on climate change.

Artists Residencies


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